Wednesday 30 May 2012

Watched my first live bout yo!

riots vs defiants

On Saturday I took my tribe of midgets down to see a Sunstate bout (Riots v Defiants). It was amazing to watch live, despite my squinting a lot from having no glasses on. The live atmosphere was like 80% better than youtube :)

I learned heaps from it, but feel like it really reiterated hows much more work I need to be putting in on a daily basis. Those girls are brutal, in the peak fitness of their lives, and amazing skaters.  I cant yet tick any of those boxes (well I'm brutal in a non-derby way). Yet anyway. I tried to pay particular attention to the way they skate; what skills they most frequently use and referenced this to what I've been learning in class. The two most important aspects I found to be stops and starts. How to quickly recover from a fall. Learning to skate fast can wait, being able to dynamically change direction is imperative.

I've broken this into exercises I already know and am going to really focus on:

1. T-stops and starts
2. Falling safely on my butt (getting up without hands)
3. Turning to face behind me (as in turning using my skates)
4. Braking backwards onto stoppers
5. Crossovers

Then I started to research skate-specific training, I've read a lot about doing interval training but how? I stumbled across Fartlek training and whilst a lot of specific drills require a group, it can definately be done alone. Of course I'm more in favour of group punishment, it's too easy to give up when it's just you (a bit like a bikini wax, you just cant do that shit to yourself). Dem's the brakes I guess. Hence now my plan its to make myself a training schedule by the week. 

My plan feels something like this:

3 x skate sessions a week (2 focussing on the skills as above and one free skate with fartlek elements)
2 x off-skates sessions based on fartlek/interval training, with quad killer exercises like wall sits, squat jumps, or maybe a bike sesh to mix it up..

Plus of course my weekly class with the tattooed goddess. I'd like to have the luxury of a daily skate but I have kids, and therefore schedules coming out of my arse as it is. I think the 5 sessions might be slightly hopeful but I gotta have goals right? I figure I'll do 2 skate sessions and an interval training during the week, with the last two over the weekend...

What do you do and how is it working?

1 comment:

  1. I saw you there, OMG you're so cool I want to take you home and keep you :)
