Friday 13 July 2012

Crossovers and other maladies
Suzy crossing over like a boss
Back to skate class tonight, the tattooed goddess returned from her jamskate trip which is fortunate as I was in desperate need of a class again. It was so good to be back on skates I almost forgot for a while I had been a couch-guzzling sloth for 2 weeks.

It was back to basics for most of us given almost everyone in the class hadn't skated either, so focussing on kindy skating - scissoring backwards, T-starts and stops, split leg turns around markers, and trying to master the form and stance again.

Given there were a mass of gunna-be derby skaters who have tryouts next week (Sunstate), at the end some tried to skate the 5 laps in under a minute. All were successful that had a crack and it was awesome to see what pace this 5 laps should maintain. I didn't try, and I'm thinking about it now and it was all because of one tiny hurdle I haven't conquered yet. Fucking crossovers.

The key to crossing over fearlessly I'm told is being comfortable on one foot. Knowing this I've worked a lot on getting my right foot up for longer periods. I've done this by squaring my shoulders, picking a high spot to focus on and striding out. THAT works. Then I try to overexaggerate the crossovers, crossing both left and right in a swaying motion.


Like any breakthrough I've made with skating so far, it's tied to 2 things

1. Muscle memory
2. Fear

Once I've figured out which muscles I need to activate, where to shift my weight to and what stance I should be in there's usually a lightbulb moment where my body did it and knows it. I haven't gotten there yet with crossing over, and, rather embarrrassingly, I think I'm doing it but can't be sure and am too self conscious to ask.

So I'm taking all tips on board. What can I practise at home? What routine can I establish so I'm doing the same way everytime?



  1. (Hi from reddit)

    I tried to find video of this, but no dice. When you're self propelling, you can weave both skates in and out, right?
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    Instead of that, work on scissoring your legs as you do it, really exaggerate that in and out movement , until your legs cross over each other. Get used to being comfortable in that position, and then it's a matter of shifting your weight onto that front left foot and picking up your back right foot.

    Then you can focus on picking up that left foot on the turns.

    Good luck!

  2. Awesome advice! I can scissor/self propel fairly well now so that seems like a totally logical step. I'll try it out this week..

    Thanks :)

  3. I have to say, although it seemed you were pretty frustrating while typing this post, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not in a poking fun kind of way of course. I just decided last week i would try out for roller derby, and im scared to even go to my first real "practice" on Sunday because of "fucking crossovers". I don't know why, when i watch the bouts - crossovers are like second nature to the girls, and I just can't effing do it! Your post reminded me that we ALL start somewhere, and once we master it - we're gunna be bad asses. I've been to 8 jillion bouts, and In my mind I know all of the moves but when I try to apply them for myself, i suck ass and eat pavement. FEAR. We hafta' get over it! Argh!

    I hope your practices are going well. All the best!

  4. Oops! Forgot to mention, i found your blog while searching "Roller Derby Crossovers" in Yahoo Search. hehe. I'm such a beginner..

  5. Hi Kayla, thanks for the nice words :) you're right - fear is crippling on skates. Fear is a hinderance! off with my head! haha. So good to see you're striving for it too, I hope my blog makes you feel a little more comfortable with that :) Good luck for Sunday, kill it. I actually took the advice in the previous comment (cheers traumaprotocol!)last night and it REALLY helped with my confidence. I felt a lot better once I'd normalised having one foot in front of the other on skates. Maybe try that too? How long have you been skating now?
    Here's to aspiring badass' !

  6. a little over 4 weeks n counting! literally fresh meat!

    and literally STILL scared shitless.

    1. awwwwweeeeessssooommmeeee! you've lasted 4 weeks, this is very auspicious :) despite being scared, i bet you're improving outta sight :)
