Monday 15 July 2013

Weight training for derby

Trying out a new training regime. Well, really, what I mean is I’ve joined the gym and starting doing something. The gym that my workmates use had a bring-a-friend for a month to try it out, so I’ve taken advantage by trying everything they offer and I couldn’t be happier. It’s actually a PT Studio in the Brisbane CBD for those who wish to know, and to be honest I’ve never trained at a gym so focussed on results without being wanky and separatist (ie. fitness freaks and juice heads to left, me/normal humans to the right, cue self consciousness.)

I’ve had the luck of scoring a super motivated gym kid who is strong, athletic, and enthusiastic to show me the ropes, but the staff are equally as helpful so it’s not so concerning anyway.

Last week I trained 4 days, and as my leagues on break for 2 weeks; I’m up for 5 days a week of hard slog till we go back. In my constant search for ideas that stick, by jove I think I’ve found one. This was really born of months of DIY off-skates research only to sulk miserably at my lack of commitment. Maybe some people can work out at home, with their life screaming for attention around them; me, I’d prefer to do it elsewhere. The ultimate winner of this situation is that I’m doing this in my lunchbreak, so guess who’s time efficient now?


My excuses for my commitment-phobia have stopped; ‘I dont want to be sore for training’, ‘How do I fit this in when I have a billion other things to do?’, ‘Derby already takes up my spare time’.

Last week I even had a one on one with a competing powerlifter who was giving me amazing advice and coaching on the foundations of Olympic lifts. I learned about the anatomy of a squat. Who knew I was doing it wrong my whole life? Not to mention smashing me with one legged squats amongst other terrors. I can see derby in every quaking muscle and every last rep. Sadly, I can also feel every cigarette I’ve ever smoked in each sprint. What a fucking pointless exercise it was the day I took that shit up.

I’m over the 90’s in the sense that I have no qualms about accepting my genetic crown and bulking the fuck up. Heroin chic was in, and if you had even shape to your bicep you might as well have been Chyna cause chicks with muscles were too much to process. My wraith-like grunge idols did very little for my self-esteem, and being young and impressionable; this left me chasing a ghost for the next 15 years. I am genetically hardwired to be a big bitch, so I’m really left with two outcomes; am I overweight, or am I strong?

I’m 30, and I’m prepared to work hard to look strong. And if all the advice of seasoned skaters and derby idols is true, I’m hopefully preparing my body for a long derby career.  

I’d stay and chat, but I’ve got gym :)


Preparation. Persistence. Practice.



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