Thursday 7 June 2012

I am frankenskater


So far I've been up at 5:30 once this week, in the freezing cold to skate and will be doing the same thing tomorrow. I have two skatedates on the weekend. I haven't yet started the whole interval training thing off-skates; I'm still trying to psych myself up. This is code for I have been a slack bitch. Tryouts are in one month and three days. wtf am i doing? Dudeguy at work asked me why I wouldn't be ready for it and my answer was that I can't skate yet. I'm wondering if this true, or if it's only because I've decided it so? For reals, can I actually pull this off, or is it physically impossible? 

I've decided regardless I should at least attempt it - to learn how tryouts work and what ballpark physically this operates in. 

It operates in sheer, unforgiving tuffness. I already know. 

In my life I've copped volleyballs' to the face; delivered from the fierce meathands of Australian and Olympic players. I've also dished them out to others. I've torn things, chipped things, pinched things, blackened things, sprained and burst things. I get pain. I do. So, why am I terrified of trying to do a crossover?? Why am I psyched out by the slightest wobble?? 

Well, Pavlov's dog tells me it's BECAUSE of those blackened sprains and crutches and ice baths and fat lips that I'm flipping out like donkey on the edge - nonetheless it seems like an effectively useless protocol to follow. I'm gunna kick my survival instinct into submission and skate into next week pushing all of my boundaries. It's high time I took this bitch for a ride and figured out what the fuck she's made of nowadays.

Shut up and skate bitch.

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